Basics of Chinese Medicine
$68 , plus local tax , 90-120 minutes
Chinese Medicine is based on the premise that all things in the Universe are inter-related. The ancient Chinese developed this intricate health system to understand this inter-relationship and how it pertains to healing naturally using food as medicine, acupuncture and self regulating energy practices such as Tai Chi, Chi Kung, tapping and self massage among others. They also regulated their home and work environments using the Feng Shui principles . In this session, you will leave with concrete examples, interactive exercises and can opt for an energy self assessment quiz to personalize your experience.
You will also understand how the elements / life cycles when applied to health consider:
- Major Organs
- Ying & Yang
- Body Tissues & Fluids
- Senses
- Emotions
- Directions
- Colors
- Seasons of the year